Python | R | |
선으로 그리기 |
plt.plot(co2.seq, co2.x)
수학적 함수 그래프 |
plt.plot(x, y)
버블플롯 |
plt.scatter('temp', 'wind', s='SO2', alpha=0.9, data=USairpollution)
plot(wind~temp, data=USairpollution, pch=9) with(USairpollution, symbols(temp, wind, circle=SO2, inches=0.5, add=T)
이변량으로 확대한 상자그림 |
bvbox(x, xlab="manu", ylab="popul", pch=19)
1) R 이변량 그래프
- R bivariate graph
# BiVariate Graphe
# plot using lines
지난 번 lines(smooth(co2),col='blue') 해당 부분과 비슷한 줄에서 에러가 났었는데 해결 방법을 찾았다.
mac에서는 "RED" 이렇게 쓰면 string으로 인식해서 에러가 났는데 'red' 이런식으로 해주면 에러가 나지 않는다.
# plot of mathematical functions
x <- seq(0, 20, 0.1)
y <- exp(-x/10)*cos(2*x)
- R bivariate boxplot
> library(HSAUR2)
> library(MVA)
> data(USairpollution)
> head(USairpollution, 3)
SO2 temp manu popul wind precip predays
Albany 46 47.6 44 116 8.8 33.36 135
Albuquerque 11 56.8 46 244 8.9 7.77 58
Atlanta 24 61.5 368 497 9.1 48.34 115
> x = USairpollution[, c(3,4)]
> bvbox(x, xlab="manu", ylab="popul", pch=19)
> title("Bivariate Boxplot")
> identify(x)
[1] 7 9 14 30
> rownames(x)[c(7,9,14,30)]
[1] "Chicago" "Cleveland" "Detroit"
[4] "Philadelphia"
- R bubble plot
> plot(wind~temp, data=USairpollution, pch=9)
> # symbols(USairpollution$temp, USairpollution$wind, USairpollution$circle=SO2,
> # inches=0.5, add=T))
> with(USairpollution, symbols(temp, wind, circle=SO2, inches=0.5, add=T))
> title("Bubble plot")
2) Python
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 데이터 읽기
co2 = pd.read_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/DataAnalytics/MultivariateAnalysis/mva/co2.csv")
# 변수이름 지정하기
co2.columns = ["seq", "x"]
# 선그리기
plt.plot(co2.seq, co2.x)
# plot of mathematical functions
x = np.arange(0, 20, 0.1)
y = np.exp(-x/10)*np.cos(2*x)
plt.plot(x, y)
# 데이터 읽기
USairpollution = pd.read_csv("/content/drive/MyDrive/DataAnalytics/MultivariateAnalysis/mva/USairpollution.csv")
# SO2 변숫값 * 5
USairpollution["SO2"] = USairpollution["SO2"] * 5
# 버블차트 그리기
plt.scatter('temp', 'wind', s='SO2', alpha=0.9, data=USairpollution)
plt.xlabel("temp", size=16)
plt.ylabel("wind", size=16)
plt.title("Bubble plot")
# help(plt.scatter)
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